Let's talk about sex...baby!

Foreplay, kissing, fondling, laughing, and flirting…it’s what conceives a pregnancy, and it’s what can help get labour going.  In the days leading up to the birth of your baby, it can be an anxious time for many parents-to-be. As labour draws near, some parents are eager for their baby to arrive, while others may feel a little bit apprehensive.

Intimacy can be an effective tool to help induce labour in the later stage of pregnancy when your body and baby are ready. It is believed that the hormones released during intimacy can help to stimulate labour. During sex, oxytocin and prostaglandins are released which can help to soften the cervix and potentially kick-start labour.

In addition to the release of hormones, sex and kissing can also bring a sense of connection and intimacy between you and your partner. This can be a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company before the arrival of your baby. Let’s face it…it will be about six weeks until you are intimate again… so have fun now!

Of course, it is important to remember that these fun activities are only intended to help induce labour, they are not a guarantee of labour starting. Your baby will arrive when they are ready. But imagine all the fun you’ll have trying!

Grace Jose
HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator
Photo Credit:  Ron Lach