Hospital Birth

I had a difficult weekend hospital birth. I am living my life in the belief of balance. In doing so as a Full Spectrum Doula, I do easy 2-hour home births as well as 36+ hour hospital births and both are good as long as we have a healthy baby and healthy mom. If you or your baby have a medical condition and birthing at home is not an option, please learn how to navigate the system provided for you. It is important for you and for the well-being of your baby. Sometimes we get stuck on a means of getting somewhere and forget that our energy has to match up with the outcome and in life surrender is a great principle to learn.

As a mature Doula that has been doing this for 27 years and had 5 children with 5 different types of births, I can tell you that no 2 pregnancies and births are exactly the same. Embrace unpredictability and uncertainty and the pain of that outcome that you fear so greatly. Live your truth in the now and be grateful for what each experience has the possibility to teach you. See the good in the bad and watch out for the bad in the good. This will help you navigate birthing and life in general. I am grateful for this weekend and the many lessons, emotions, experiences and outcomes that I had.

Let everything in life be a MasterClass for you. Write the tests knowing you won’t get all the answers ”right,” but what is that anyway? Perfection is the killer of the now learning experience.

By Charmaine Hinds,
Full Spectrum Doula