Birth Trauma

Birth trauma is a very real and often overlooked issue in our culture. It can be defined as physical or emotional harm experienced during labour and childbirth and can cause long-term effects on the birthing parent, their partner, and the baby. Birth trauma is most commonly associated with a difficult or traumatic labour but can also be due to medical interventions or other factors. The most common physical injuries associated with birth trauma include lacerations, fractures, and bruises. Psychological trauma can include feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, or helplessness. Birth trauma occurs when people are not given the necessary information to make informed decisions, and when they are caught off guard and relinquish their power to others.

For new expectant parents, HypnoBirthing is a powerful tool that can help reduce the risk of birth trauma and provide an empowering and positive birthing experience. HypnoBirthing is a comprehensive childbirth education program that focuses on relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis to help parents have a more peaceful and joyous birth experience. Through HypnoBirthing, parents learn to trust their bodies and their instincts, to relax deeply and to move through the birth process in a calm, self-confident, and positive way. HypnoBirthing helps to create an environment of trust and love for the birthing parent and their partner and helps to build an emotional bond between the birthing parent and the baby.

There is time and space to heal if you’ve had a traumatic birth experience.  If you’re a newly pregnant person, learn how to have a more calm and empowered birth experience. We are here to help.  Click here for more information.

Grace Jose, HBCE
Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator